Gus & Kentrelle: Oyster Shuckers

Gus & Kentrelle

Meet Gus & Kentrelle

Gus & Kentrelle have been oyster shuckers for a combined 67 years in the hotel industry. They love what they do because they get to have conversations and build rapport with people from all over the world.

Living the good life in New Orleans

Gus & Kentrelle love to give guests wonderful experiences at their oyster bar so that they have a story to tell when they go home. For them, there is no better place to work than their hotel restaurant because of all the amazing benefits and perks they receive.



“One of the special experiences that you can have is coming here, sitting at that oyster bar and eating that wonderful food, being entertained by those guys.”

– Al, General Manager

Meet Other People in the Industry

john paul

John Paul

Despite being so new, John Paul quickly moved up from his original role to become a front desk supervisor.


Originally in housekeeping, Karinna found joy and success in her new role in the human resources department.



After pivoting from chemistry, Derek thrives as a lobby ambassador and hopes to become a general manager.

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